Unpacking the Bank Statement Program: A Step-by-Step Guide

• ByAHL Funding Press

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Unpacking the Bank Statement Program: A Step-by-Step Guide

An Introduction to Bank Statement Program

Navigating the mortgage market can be tricky, especially for those with non-traditional income sources like self-employed individuals or business owners. Thankfully, the Bank Statement Program from AHL Funding provides a solution tailored specifically for these types of borrowers.

Why Choose the Bank Statement Program

The Bank Statement Program is an ideal choice for those with variable income who may not qualify for conventional loans. AHL Funding’s solution targets a demographic that’s often overlooked by traditional mortgage lenders—self-employed individuals and small business owners. These borrowers might have substantial income but not in the traditional W-2 form that conventional lenders typically require. The Bank Statement Program offers an alternative by allowing these borrowers to use their business and personal bank statements as proof of income.

How the Bank Statement Program Works

Qualifying for a loan through the Bank Statement Program is a straightforward process. Borrowers can use both their business and personal bank statements to qualify for loans. AHL Funding offers loan to value (LTV) ratios of up to 90%, making it possible for borrowers to secure substantial funding.

The Unique Features of AHL Funding’s Bank Statement Program

AHL Funding’s Bank Statement Program is set apart by its unique features tailored to fit the needs of its target borrowers. It offers an expense ratio as low as 20%, which means that up to 80% of deposits can be used for income purposes. This variable expense ratio takes into account the different types of businesses that may avail of this program. For instance, why should a consultant have the same expenses as a restaurant? This common-sense underwriting approach is a standout feature of the Bank Statement Program.

How to Apply for the Bank Statement Program

The application process for AHL Funding’s Bank Statement Program is efficient and user-friendly. It begins with the [BROKER APPROVAL](INSERT LINK HERE) process where brokers submit their information to become AHL Funding approved brokers. Once approved, brokers can then [SUBMIT A SCENARIO](INSERT LINK HERE) to apply for loan scenarios.

Navigating Common Misunderstandings About the Bank Statement Program

There can be misconceptions about the Bank Statement Program, largely due to unfamiliarity. Some may think it’s too complicated or exclusive to certain individuals, but in reality, the program is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, especially for self-employed borrowers or those with variable income.

AHL Funding

The Bank Statement Program by AHL Funding offers a unique and accessible lending solution for borrowers who might otherwise struggle to qualify for a traditional mortgage. It levels the playing field for self-employed individuals and small business owners, offering them an opportunity to secure a home loan that accurately reflects their income. For those interested in learning more about this exceptional program, AHL Funding is here to help you explore this and other services that we offer.

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